We won't be modest and we'll say that quite frankly Plovdiv is for us the most beautiful city. We see this not only through our eyes, but we also make sure every day through each of the photos you send us or post on social media with our hashtag #lostinplovdiv.
The first portion of pictures of your favorite city through your cameras can be seen HERE, and below you can enjoy more magical footage. There is no autumn more beautiful, there is no brighter palette and no more vibrant atmosphere than the one of Plovdiv!
Photo credit: Georgi Prokopiev
Photo credit: ia_pas
Photo credit: Iliana Naydenova
Photo credit: Marina
Photo credit: Petko Stoychev
Photo credit: Tanya Grozdanova
Photo credit: Thevagabongingdaydreamer
Photo credit: Veronika Ivanova
Photo credit: otmt_kalinin
And if for a moment you want to take a walk in nature and take a short break from the big city, don't miss the first route from our series and learn more about the picturesque monastery St. Kirik and Yulita.
We look forward to more photos with the hashtag #lostinplovdiv and we are happy that you share with us all those moments worth to be captured and immortalized in a photo!