Photo credit: Charakchiewa ♐ (@wilicharakchiewa)
19th March
Meet-up with the legendary director Abel Ferrara
One of the most influential independent film directors, Abel Ferrara, will be visiting Plovdiv on the 13th edition of Sofia Film Fest in Lucky House of Cinema.
Cinema lovers will have the chance to watch one of Ferrara's masterpieces, The King of New York, and discuss the film with the great director. He is famous for provocative, often controversial storylines and neo-noir images in his films.
Lucky House of Cinema
8 pm
Exhibition of Zhivko Ivanov
Burgas artist Zhivko Ivanov will show his latest paintings at the Arsenal of Art Gallery in Kapana. The author's style is his unique trademark.
Arsenal of art
6 pm
20th March
Hidden In The Basement live in Plovdiv @Bee Bop Café
Hidden in the basement is a heavy rock band from Larisa, Greece. Created in 2007, they have already devised a qualitative and consistent course on the domestic underground scene, culminating with the release of their remarkable debut full-length album "Ego" (2012), which received exceptional reviews from the European press and enthusiastic reactions from the public.
Having performed in many stages in Europe and Turkey, alongside major bands such as Sepultura, Karma to Burn, Orange Goblin, Burst, Clutch, Septic Flesh and Rotting Christ, Hidden in the Basement always receive the most positive reviews about their live performances, which are characterized by an uplifting rock 'n' roll energy, and a heavy metal whip that leaves you with the jaw dropped. In 2017 they made their first European tour, promoting their new album "Behind the Shadow".
More experienced than ever before, and with the much more mature of his predecessor "Behind the Shadow"(2016), Hidden in the Basement, are preparing to play on stages all over Europe.
Bee Bop Café
9 pm
Entry: 10 lv.
21st March
Grand opening of Poshtata
The new Plovdiv bar is already a fact and it proudly bears the name Poshtata (The Post). If you are wondering where the hottest place in the city under the hills is, we’ll say right away.
The former Apartment 101 handed over the relay to Poshtata to continue the spirit of the house, located in the very center of Plovdiv. The new bar is created with lots of love and passion, and its name is by no means accidental. The concept of the bar was born months before the owners found this place opposite the ... post office. The idea of Poshtata is to gather people and invite them to communicate more with each other.
7 pm
22nd March
Acoustic Version @Bee Bop Café
Bee Bop Café will welcome one of the biggest Bulgarian jazz bands - Acoustic version. Words are unnecessary. Music and artistry speak much more. This program is made up of superb jazz standards translated into a unique musical language of the band. Aesthetic delight is guaranteed!
Bee Bop Café
9.30 pm
Gencho Nakev - Solo exhibition
На 22 март пролетта завладява пространството на галерия Аспект с ярките цветни композиции на Генчо Накев. Това е осмата самостоятелна изложба на художника в Аспект, като заслугата за неговото редовно присъствие на пловдивската арт сцена е на галеристката Олга Петрова, която го кани и налага като автор още от откриването на галерията.
On March 22 the spring will conquer the space of Aspect Gallery with the bright colored compositions of Gencho Nakev. This is the eighth individual exhibition of the artist in Aspect Gallery.
Aspect Gallery
6 pm
Glenfiddich - преживявания в дестилерията
A guest lecturer at The Whisky Library will be Kaloyan Alexandrov, Ambassador of Glenfiddich for Bulgaria, who has prepared several of the most outstanding distillery representatives.
Together we will meet the history of one of the few remaining family distilleries in Scotland and, directly from the kitchen, we will look at the places that influence the flavor of the Scottish malt whiskey.
The Whisky Library
8 pm
Entry: 40 lv.
Coding Girls Movie Night
About the movie:
Code: Debugging The Gender Gap is a documentary with an ambitious mission. It asks why there are relatively few female engineers, explores the consequences of this state of affairs, and examines some attempts to increase the numbers of women in tech. The film features interviews with many notable female (and some male) coders, educators, and policymakers at Pixar, Pinterest and Etsy, it looks at what can be done to encourage the next generation of female programmers.
Movie duration: 1 h 20 min
Discussion: 10-15 minutes
IMPORTANT: the spots are limited. The event is FREE of charge.
6.30 pm
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