Dolce Mela was born more than five years ago, when in searching of a charming little place which smells sweetly and delicious, a place where you can stick your head to the window not knowing what to choose, the owners decided that they are the people to create it. Dolce Mela is more than a cozy place where you can dive in the spirit of Italy and France, together with their best recipes. This is obvious from the elegant design of the confectionary but the taste which is always equally good is more important. It is obtained by daily searching for new tastes and recipes from all over Europe as well as after in-depth training of staff. The rich selection of Dolce Mela includes real Italian craft ice cream made from milk, cream and butter following the old recipe of Master Giuseppe of Sicily. In order to obtain this perfect quality, confectioners use only natural flavors of fresh fruit and chocolate.

Address: 34 Preslav St